Have you thought about how you can support us to help save our planet? Here at Think-Inks, we have many ways you can get involved today!
Why not request one of our FREE Think-Inks Display Boxes? All you have to do is collect used inks from your friends, family, colleagues and anyone who you know who has a home printer. Once your Think-Inks Display Box is FULL you can request a FREE collection! Only a handful of inks? No problem! Request one of our FREEPOST bags here!
Not ready for a box?
No problem, you can simply recycle your used inks with us today. However, we cannot provide a Freepost Recycle Bag or free collection service. You can send your inks into our sorting facility by arranging your own postage. Your shipment will need to be booked in with our team and a reference number will be provided. Please ensure the reference number is clearly displayed on your shipment, otherwise the shipment will be rejected and returned.
Alternatively, you can get in touch with your ink provider, and they may be able to recycle these for you. For information on the toner cartridge recycling service, please CLICK HERE.