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Inkjet Cartridge Recycling

Below you will find the questions we get asked on a regular basis. If your question is not covered here please contact us. No question is too big or too small, we are here to help.
My inks haven’t been collected!We are sorry about this, please contact us and we will look into this for you.
How do I book a collection?That’s easy, click here to book your FREE collection.
What do Think-Inks do?We provide a simple, free service to collect empty printer inkjet cartridges, which are then sorted and distributed to our global remanufacturing partners for recycling
Why Inkjet Cartridge Recycling?Unfortunately, most people are throwing their empty printer inkjet cartridges into the bin. These then end up in a landfill or in our oceans, which is having a negative impact on our environment and wildlife. Recycling your empty inkjet cartridges is a step towards reducing this problem.
Who can recycle?Anyone and everyone, the more people involved the better outcome for our environment!
What will it cost?There is no cost to get involved other than a little time and engagement to communicate the message and encourage others to get involved
Do you accept toner cartridges?Toner cartridges can be recycled through Print-Recycle. Disposal of toner cartridges is a chargeable service and cannot be used to raise funds with Think-Inks and should NEVER be included in your Think-Inks display box.
Do you provide collection boxes?We have brand new Display Boxes available. You just need to collect the inks, return the box for FREE, and get paid for your inks! Request a Think-Inks Display Box here. Otherwise, please contact us to discuss.
How can I get others involved?Easy, speak to them, tell them what the scheme is and the benefits included Work in an office? Email colleagues asking them to bring their empty printer inkjet cartridges in from home Work in a school? Host a focus week on recycling to educate the students, create competitions on who can bring in most inks Run a charity? Advertise on your website and social media for the general public to donate empty inks to help raise money, list local drop off points and get your volunteers involved!
What is a Printhead Ink Cartridge?A printhead ink cartridge is a combination of a metallic strip and chip. The metallic strip (the nozzle) is where the ink is released, and the metallic chip is what connects the ink cartridge to the printer
How many inks do I have to collect to qualify for free collection?Box – Minimum requirements: A FULL box. FREE Bag collection – Minimum of 4 genuine Inkjet Printheads See list Alternatively, you can send us your inks to be recycled without a value given. However, you are expected to pay for your own post and packaging.
How much are the inks worth?Inkjet cartridge prices vary from £0.05 up to around £5.00. It will depend on the type of cartridge and the mix we receive to determine the value of the cartridge. On average, a shoe-sized box will generate around £75-£100. We estimate the value at an average of £1 per Printhead inkjet cartridge
Which inks do you accept?We accept ALL printer inkjet cartridges. We do not reject any printer inkjet cartridge!
Which inks do you pay a value for?We give a value for most used genuine HP / Canon Printhead inkjet cartridges. We give a value for SOME genuine non-Printhead inkjet cartridges.
Can I recycle my own inks?No problem, check here to see if you qualify for our freepost bag. If not, you can organise them to be collected here.
Can I send any inks in the freepost recycle bags?Due to recent changes to the large letter specification and price increases made by the Royal Mail, you now MUST included a MINIMUM of 4 genuine HP or Canon Printhead inkjet cartridges per recycle bag from our Ink Checker Page!
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