Inkjet Cartridge Recycling

Recycling for

Schools are a perfect example of encompassing the knowledge of sustainable energy. Educate your students by raising awareness about recycling and environmental issues. You can raise funds for what your school needs such as: Equipment, supplies, repairs, day's out & events etc. Alternatively, you can donate funds to a charitable cause which could be incorporated into your environmental teaching plan.
We can support with assemblies, workshops and even fun days out!
The “Save the Ocean” Project is a recent addition and trending topic
Our staff are trained to work with all ranges of children including SEND & EAL
Impact of plastic waste in the environment is truly detrimental and WILL affect the younger generation; it’s the job of these superhero students that can help reduce it to save the world
Our collection scheme can help your school raise funds in a fun, educational and informative way
Opportunity for students to get involved, they can influence parent / guardian(s) and others too!
We have many different projects that you can get involved with, get in touch for more info

the main benefits of A SCHOOL program:
Get Paid! – You get money for your Inks. Simple as!
Reduce your carbon footprint – You get to be part of an eco-friendly scheme
FREE support - Tailored, reliable service to suit your organisation, we work around you
Educate! - Educational discussion on recycling
Hassle Free – It is an easy, simple, and free scheme
Engaged students – This is a good way to get students engaged and motivated. Some students may find their voice through this topic!
FREE Resources – When you join us, we give you everything you need to get started including; posters, handouts & a letter to parent/guardian(s).
Donate – You can donate the funds to a charity of your choice

Why not encourage your students, staff & parents to help raise funds for your school? You can do this by requesting a Think-Inks Display Box which can be placed in:
Staff Rooms